Just some info:

Please keep in mind that I have lots of time and money invested in this project. Many of the names are family members... some a few (not usually very far) generations down the line. Others are names in my husband's family, brothers-in-laws families and my sons-in-laws families and daughter-in-laws families. Some are related to others in my family tree but not directly to me. All information I have personally gathered. I did not use any information from the Mormon Church's many sites. I have researched everything. Most photos belong to me directly, except the ones that I have given credit too.

My family lines are (note: the * are in my family tree {I still have many to mark.}) Jones, Pugh, Knowles, Prothero, Painter, Owens, Nash, Albright, Watkins, Hall, Edgerton, Willoughby, Draper, Charinsky, Aikin, Moore, Meers, Morgan, DalValley (DalVallee), Monson, Klaman, Breeden, Dora, Russell, Williamson, Arnold, Chism, Siddell, Weindenburner, Gill, Ames, Wallis, Chantos, Keller, Davis, Wilcox, Cox, Pate, Gruber, Palmer, Sullivan, Douthit, West, Butler, Reese, Balsley, Smallcomb and the list goes on.

Some folks, on this blog, are friends or friends' parents. Others are individuals that are on the same page as one of my family.

I am willing to do research for others, however I do charge for extensive research and for the cost of research items. To check in some of our local cemetery records they do charge. Birth and Death records also cost. Before I do that search I will require a deposit in my paypal account. Please ask ahead if I will be charged to help you. Also all of the articles I have, I have paid to make copies of .

Give me a Shout-out About Family History

I am not only looking for and posting my own family history, but others that I have found.

Blank lines means the individual is still living at the time that I post the article. I try not to publish any names of living individuals. This is not always possible, as some folks may still be alive and I don't know them. Sorry if I have posted a name of someone you know for sure is still living. Contact me and I will make their name a blank line.
I have the complete obit if you are related and need more information. Please state how you are related in your email.

Have Genealogy you would like to share?

Contact me at genealogist53@gmail.com

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bonalynn Chism Obit*

Albion Journal Register 1953
*Miss Bonalynn Chism Passed Away Saturday.

Funeral services for Miss Bonalynn Chism, member of Albion high school teaching faculties since 1932, were held at the Albion Christian church Monday afternoon, Rev. John Elliott Foster, the pastor, officiating, Classes at Edwards Senior High were dismissed for the afternoon and services were largely attended by students, former students and the many friends. Interment was at Graceland.
Miss Chism passed away at the Olney sanitarium Saturday morning. She was stricken shortly after she arrived at school Thursday morning and her condition became progressively worse. She had been a heart patient for some years.
Daughter of Charles and Lettie Lollar Chism, deceased was born in Albion on
February 8, 1900 and most of her life was spent here. She attended Albion schools and later attended and graduated from Eureka College at Eureka. She also attended Columbia University in New York. Following her graduation from Eureka, she taught in the high school at Pleasant Plains for three years. She joined the faculty of Albion Community High School three years later and had been teacher of English in the local high school since that time.
Gifted with a lovely soprano voice, which was developed by training in college, she taught chorus in the local high school for a number of years. She also was a leader and director of the choir at the Albion Christian Church and gave freely of her unusual musical talent whenever called upon.
After her graduation from high school and before her entrance into college she was employed in the O. A. Bunting garage here, and in addition served as the first corresponding secretary of the Albion Chamber of Commerce. She was a member of Chapter No. 517, Order of Eastern Star and was a charter member of the Delta Theta Tau sorority.
Despite her poor health the past several years, she continued her busy, active life and maintained a cheerful, happy outlook on life. She was one of Albion's outstanding women.
Surviving is a sister, Mrs. G. R. Hilgeman of Albion. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Porter in 1934 and Howard in 1950.

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